
Pink Floyd, a Car and Heaven, Almost

For as long as I've been driving I've only had a way to play music, other than a radio, for less than a year. So it was always something quite special for me when Pink Floyd would play on the radio- what better music to drive by, watch the scenery float by, see the vultures flying above as though they too are listening. Even semi-trucks lose their aura of gigantic bringers of instant death and become simply fellow travelers on the road. I remember hushing the kids when they would talk "shhhh....it's Pink Floyd" I'd whisper, kind of like I was receiving special instructions from the gods and didn't want to miss a word. Once, driving through Florida in a rental car, six Pink Floyd songs played in a row- we were following a group of Harleys, cruising the interior plains of Florida, ahhh. Today I was feeling kind of ill from the flu and figured a good drive into Appalachia, just one county east of me, would cure me, or at least make me feel temporarily better. And of course I was listening to Pink Floyd as I entered the sandstone hills. And yes, I surely did feel better.


Tanner Station at Blue Licks State Park 18th Century Rifle Frolic

Great event the weekend of Nov. 7th at Blue Licks Battlefield State Park. Shooting competition, participants wore authentic 18th century garb.

Knapping the flints for the rifles.

Tanners Station
Primitive 18th C camp.


Why I Really Love Maysville

Old stone sidewalk on the way downtown with sweet gum leaves. The other morning I just had to slow down and pause as the sun was making the fallen leaves just glow. There is an endless supply of visual interest here.

A Walk Across the River to Ohio, On the Bridge of Course

Rosemary Clooney mural on the flood wall, view of Ohio River Valley
Bridge to Ohio

I think I like this picture better than the next one.
Simon Kenton Bridge as seen from Aberdeene
Maysville from the Bridge

Train Tracks pass through the Flood Wall