A Weekend Hike at Blue Licks Battlefield State Park

My daughter came down to visit last weekend and we drove about 20 miles south to Blue Licks State Park, the site of the salt licks that mastodons, then bison and Indians came to, then pioneers used for salt making, and during the early to mid 1800s was the site of a huge resort where people came for the healing waters. This is the place where Daniel Boone and his men who were making salt, were captured by Indians to be sold to the British in Detroit. This lead to Boone's trial on charges of treason! Something I never knew about until the past year. We hiked around almost the entire park, noting the historic sites. This modern version of an early trading post really captured my imagination. There was even a neglected garden there by the unfinished chimney. Trying to time travel back to a time where this was safety from Indians who were irate that their sacred hunting lands in Kentucky were being taken by the whites, it was a bit unnerving here. A lonely outpost in a hostile land. I've been reading the whole history of the area from the Indian's point of view, was a bit disappointed that the park primarily presented the other point of view- at least on the signs at the various sites. I'll check out the big museum there on my next trip down.
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