Oregano, Olive Oil, Paint and Dreams

Guess what? I'll start with the dream- I dream about having a place, I think it is called a studio ;), where I can do art. This really is my workspace now- I cook and paint on my kitchen stove. I just lay a piece of cardboard covered by wax paper on the stove and do whatever project I am working on right there. There's a light, an exhaust fan, it's the right height, the sink is handy. Then when it is cooking time I move the cardboard with project somewhere else for a while.
Ah..... a studio, a place to organize all my supplies, a place to work, a place to plan and create! Where-ever I move to, I just want one room with an abundance of shelves and work surfaces so I don't accidentally squirt red paint in the spaghetti sauce. I have been considering sprinkling herbs in some paintings just to see what happens - haven't tried it yet though!
Now, here is a shot of the other side of the kitchen. I like this side but it's a bit disorganized, finished projects, art on the wall, piles of stuff, mail and books, my favorite friend, all kind of in a jumble.

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