Transformations, The Rabbit and the Turkey Vulture
I am very visually oriented and things like verbal affirmations don't do much for me unless I can link them to a mental picture which doesn't work with most affirmations. As I try to understand my relationship with the world I realized I was like a little twitchy-nosed rabbit sitting in the field waiting for the coyote to come rip my throat out and that this wasn't a very good way to view my place in the world- another reason why I may have an over load of anxiety and high blood pressure. So, while I was out hiking last fall, I decided I needed to change my internal image of myself and I chose the turkey vulture. Now, up close a turkey vulture is not the prettiest bird, but when in the sky, who doesn't admire their graceful drifting on the wind. If you think about it, a turkey vulture must lead a pretty stress free life, almost no predators, they don't have to chase down their food, (dead things are pretty darn still), and all that time floating on the winds with the sun shining on their backs! Much better internal self-image I'd say.
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